Medium is a material made from softwood fibres, such as conifers.
The Baz centateq E310 has the notable feature of being able to carry out any function such as drill, outline, mill, cut and edge curves. What's more, the Baz centateq E310 has a 5-axis arm that allows it to operate at 360º.
Once again this year, we are honoured to be included in the GREMI DE FUSTA I MOBLE directory.
One of the most significant achievements of the year was the acquisition of our brand new truck. Bigger and greener than ever, it's a vital investment in our commitment to sustainability and our ability to meet the growing needs of our customers.
It is with immense gratitude that we send you a message to celebrate our 40th anniversary.
Josep's Mobiliari will visit EquipHotel 2022 and exhibit at EuroShop 2023
Stay tuned about the upcoming holidays and bridges we'll make to Josep's Mobiliari
On August 29, we joined after three weeks of disconnection.
In order to make the company closer, we have created a newsletter to keep subscribers up to date with the company’s news.
In order to ensure better security for everyone, we have bought a work platform for the elevator cart.
The next August 5th will be the last working day at Josep's Mobiliari before the closing for summer holidays.
We celebrate the 65th anniversary of Josep Tutusaus and the retirement of Josep Auladell.
Josep's Mobiliari is committed to environmental ethics and sustainability through its work practices.
We travel to Zaragoza to be up-to-date on new trends and leading firms in the furniture sector.
SEDEX rewards the best practices of Josep's Mobiliari by SMETA audit
The next 24th December will be the last working day at Josep’s Mobiliari before the closing for Christmas holidays
Tomorrow, November 24, we will open as exhibitors at InteriHOTEL 2021: The Caring Edition
Thanks to the use of paper tape, we reduce the consumption of plastics, thus building a more environmentally friendly working model
We are committed to reducing efforts to extend the productivity of the packaging and expeditions area.
Josep’s Mobiliari acquires 6 semi-automatic pallet trucks thinking about the well-being of the workers.
At Josep’s Mobiliari we are glad and proud to appear in the publication “Anuari de la Fusta 2021”, and we want to share it with you.
The renowned digital newspaper “Madera Sostenible” dedicates an article to explain our new adventure with the acquisition of TOP SOLID program.
Josep’s Mobiliari is part of one of the active associations more ancients of the world, the “Gremi Fusta i Moble”, translated as “Wood and furniture Labour Union”
Aware of the current complicated situation, Josep’s Mobiliari reinvents itself and adapts to new measures to prevent and avoid to spread the Coronavirus.
In Josep's Mobiliari we are committed to environmental care: we replace the plastic glasses for reusable thermos.
For the first time in Josep’s Mobiliari history, we participate in a trade fair as expositors, and we launch ourselves big at Euroshop 2020.
Josep’s Mobiliari wins the prize “Export Initiative” at the XXIII export awards of the Girona’s Chamber of Commerce.
The prestigious Spanish digital magazine "Madera Sostenible" dedicates an article to the trajectory of Josep's Mobiliari. In it, it is emphasized its evolution towards the International market and the trust given to HOMAG as the main brand of his machinery.